
Course Goals and Learning Outcomes

If you’re using this resource for a non-NC State course, these outcomes may vary based on your instructor and course structure.

The goal of this course is to provide students with foundational knowledge of the role of recreation and leisure in our society. Facilitators, constraints, and motivational factors related to recreation and leisure behavior are discussed along with the role of recreation in community development and health and well-being across the lifespan. Topics addressed include human views and practices of recreation and leisure behavior, contemporary thinking about the relationship between time, work, and leisure, connections between recreation and wellness, and practices and methods used in the delivery of recreation, tourism, and leisure services [e.g., event planning, program planning, promoting tourism].

Learning Outcomes

Upon completion and active participation in this course, you’ll be able to:

  1. Discuss the value & impact of recreation and leisure for individuals, groups, and society
  2. Explain the changing role of leisure over the life course, including throughout childhood, early adulthood, middle-age, and later life
  3. Discuss the history of leisure and recreation related to access and participation within our society
  4. Categorize motivations, facilitators, and constraints related to leisure behaviors among diverse populations
  5. Describe how recreation participation contributes to individual health and broader community impacts (e.g., environmental, economic, social)
  6. Analyze your personal time using a time diary and categorize types of activity and leisure to support your wellness
  7. Critically review ways in which leisure participation contributes to your own personal health (e.g., physical, mental, emotional, social, purpose)
  8. Articulate ways in which leisure experiences shape your life and relationships
  9. Explain the roles and structure of governmental agencies, non-profits organizations and commercial enterprise in providing recreation
  10. Demonstrate productive teamwork skills through conversations with peers in class, communication with your Adventure Team small group, and taking accountability for shared group work assignments



Adventures in Recreation and Leisure Copyright © by Nathan Williams. All Rights Reserved.