- acetylide anion
- alkylation
- alkyne
- enol
- Lindlar Catalyst
- retrosynthetic
- tautomer
Summary of Reactions
No stereochemistry is implied unless specifically indicated with wedged, solid, and dashed lines.
- Preparation of alkynes
- Dehydrohalogenation of vicinal dihalides (Section 9.2)
- Alkylation of acetylide anions (Section 9.8)
- Reactions of alkynes
- Addition of HCl and HBr (Section 9.3)
- Addition of Cl2 and Br2 (Section 9.3)
- Hydration (Section 9.4)
- Mercuric sulfate catalyzed
- Hydroboration–oxidation
- Reduction (Section 9.5)
- Catalytic hydrogenation
- Lithium in liquid ammonia
- Conversion into acetylide anions (Section 9.7)