49 How We Could Teach Our Bodies to Heal Faster

mmdingle; ajhodge2; and tmward2

In her TED Talk, “How we could teach our bodies to heal faster”, presented in April 2018, Sadtler proposed using regenerative medicine to enhance the body’s regenerative abilities for quicker wound healing. She discussed natural regeneration in organisms and emphasized the importance of understanding the immune system.

Since her TED talk, significant progress has been made in the technology of mRNA delivery. A breakthrough was achieved in delivering mRNA therapeutics to the lungs using degradable polymer-lipid nanoparticles, specifically poly(beta-amino esters) (PBAEs). This marked a shift from previous advancements in mRNA delivery focused on the liver. Additionally, optimization of the delivery system resulted in a significant increase in potency, enhancing the effectiveness of mRNA delivery to the lungs. Techniques such as regression analysis and Design of Experiments (DOE) were employed to determine the optimal combination of parameters to maximize efficacy.

Although the optimized degradable polymer-lipid nanoparticles for mRNA delivery to the lungs are not yet commercially available, significant progress has been made. However, barriers to market entry remain, including the need for preclinical and clinical testing to meet regulatory standards for approval. Additionally, challenges in increasing production while maintaining quality and consistency, as well as considerations regarding production, storage, administrations, and cost, must be addressed before these nanoparticles can be brought to market.




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