
H5P activities list

This book includes 11 H5P activities. Only those which have been inserted into book content will be included if the book is cloned.

ID Title Activity type Show/Hide
1Introduction to Polymer Science & EngineeringCourse Presentation
2Polymer Isomerism Presentation I: Introduction to Isomers and Sequence IsomerismCourse Presentation
3Polymer Isomerism Presentation II: StereoisomerismCourse Presentation
4Polymer Isomerism Presentation III: Structural IsomerismCourse Presentation
5Module 02 AssignmentCourse Presentation
6Step Growth versus Chain Growth Polymerizations & PolymersCourse Presentation
7Molecular Weight Course PresentationCourse Presentation
8Polymer IsomerismColumn
9Isomerism in Polymers: an Interactive BookInteractive Book
10Course Presentation Template with Index Slide & Slide NavigationCourse Presentation
11POGIL PresentationCourse Presentation