Terms List

Term Species
Tactile or sinus hairs
Nasal plane Carnivore, goat
Nasolabial plane Ox
Rostral plane Pig
Digital pad Carnivore
Metacarpal pad Carnivore
Metatarsal pad Carnivore
Carpal pad Carnivore
Ergot Horse
Chestnut Horse
Costal arch Carnivore
Umbilicus Carnivore
Anal sacs Carnivore
Carpal gland Pig
Mental gland Pig
Cornual gland Goat – know the location, not identified
Horn Ruminant
Epidermal bud May view in ox calf
Mammary gland Carnivore, pig
Udder Cow, mare, doe, ewe
Teat All
Jugular groove Horse, ruminant
Jugular fossa Pig
Flank fold Ruminant
Viborg’s triangle Horse
Claw Carnivore
Hoof Horse, ruminant, pig
Dewclaw Ruminant, pig


Unit 1: Common Integument Copyright © by Mathew Gerard and Lindsey Cobb. All Rights Reserved.

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