Interactive Review Content

Lay terms for horse pelvic limb joints


Horse Pelvic Limb Bones – Lay terms vs anatomy terms


Anatomic terms vs lay terms for horse injuries


Dog Pelvis Bone Features


Horse Pelvis Osteology


Cranial and Lateral Dog Femur Bone Features


Dog Femur Bone Features – Caudal


Dog Tibia and Fibula (cranial) Bone Features


Ox Tarsus Osteology


Horse Pelvic Limb (Lateral View) – Cadaver


Horse Distal Pelvic Limb – Cadaver


Horse Distal Pelvic Limb – Cadaver


Cranial View of the Left Horse Stifle, Patella in Place – Cadaver


Cranial View of the Left Horse Stifle, Patella Reflected – Cadaver


Medial View of Horse Tarsus – Cadaver


Horse Lameness – Clinical Case


Horse Puncture Wound – Clinical Case


Goat Pelvic Limb (Lateral View) – Cadaver


Pig Hip (Lateral view) – Cadaver


Pig Pelvic Limb (Medial View) – Cadaver


Pelvic Limb Muscle Attachments


Unit 2: Musculoskeletal System Copyright © by Mathew Gerard and Lindsey Cobb. All Rights Reserved.

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