Clinical Application Answers

Clinical Application: Q1

Q1. Harvesting of bone marrow is performed for the cultivation of bone marrow-derived multipotent mesenchymal stromal cells (BM-MSCs) used in regenerative therapies. The sternum is often a harvest site.  How many sternebrae are present in the ruminant and horse?

Answer: 7

FYI: Dr. Davis was a surgery resident at NCSU.

Clinical Application: Q2

Q2: The transverse processes of which lumbar vertebrae in the dairy cow are typically palpable?


Answer: L2 – L5


Clinical Application: Q3

Q3: You operated on a colicking llama 5 days ago and have to go back in because of persistent postoperative colic. The ventral midline incision of the first surgery has become infected (do you get the impression this case is not going so well? These cases keep you humble and test your mettle for sure). To avoid the contaminated midline incision site at the second surgery, you chose to do a ventral paramedian incision, ie parallel to and about 6 cm to the side of midline.

What is the 4th layer of tissue you expect to incise through on your way to the peritoneal cavity and a potentially grim looking abdomen?


“Incisional infections associated with ventral midline celiotomy in horses”


Answer: Rectus abdominis muscle


Example Practical Exam Answers

Cat abdomen

A. Internal abdominal oblique m.

B. Linea alba


Goat abdomen

A. External rectus sheath

B. Rectus abdominis m.


Unit 2: Musculoskeletal System Copyright © by Mathew Gerard and Lindsey Cobb. All Rights Reserved.

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