Lab 9: Review Lab


This is a review lab of the Pelvic Limb content. Take advantage of the instructor presence to seek assistance with any understanding of the material at this time.  A complete list of review videos and the section terms lists are provided.

Review Videos

Lab 1

Carnivore Pelvic Limb Osteology – 4 minutes

Horse and Cow Pelvic Limb Osteology – 24 minutes

Horse stifle and hock injections – 9 minutes


Lab 2, 4, 5 & 6

Dog Pelvic Limb Muscles – 21 minutes (whole limb)

Horse gluteal muscles – 3 minutes

Horse proximal muscles – 35 minutes (whole limb)

Horse passive stay apparatus – 22 minutes

Calf pelvic limb muscles – 24 minutes (whole limb)

Goat pelvic limb muscles – watch until 18 minutes (whole limb)

Pig pelvic limb muscles – watch until 16 minutes


Lab 6

Horse intraarticular injections – 22 minutes


Lab 7

Horse foot – 22 minutes



Print optimized terms list

Lab 1

Regions of the pelvic limb (proximal to distal) Common Name Species
Gluteal Horse – croup

Ruminants & Pig – rump

Thigh All
Crus Gaskin All
Pes Limb distal to crus. i.e. includes tarsus, metatarsus and digit(s) All
Tarsus Hock All

Ungulates – cannon/shank

Digit Toes. In ungulates, includes pastern and “foot” All
Pastern Ungulates
“Foot” Hoof Ungulates
Joints of the pelvic limb (proximal to distal) Common Name
Coxofemoral or coxal Hip
Tarsus Hock
Metatarsophalangeal Ungulates – fetlock or ankle
Proximal interphalangeal Ungulates – pastern jnt
Distal interphalangeal Ungulates – coffin jnt

Osteology of Pelvis/Os coxae

Osteology Features Species Differences/comments
Ilium Auricular surface – articulation with sacrum=sacroiliac joint.
Tuber sacrale
Tuber coxae Ruminant = “hook bones”
Greater ischiatic notch
Ischium Ischiatic tuberosity Ruminant = “pin bones”
Ischiatic arch
Ischiatic spine
Lesser ischiatic notch
Acetabulum Partly formed by acetabular bone, plus ilium, ischium, pubis
Acetabular notch
Acetabular fossa
Obturator foramen Bordered by pubis and ischium
Pelvic symphysis Midline fusion of left and right os coxa

Osteology of Thigh & Crus

Osteology Features Species Differences/comments
Femur Head
Fovea capitis
Body (shaft)
Greater trochanter Horse – cranial & caudal parts
Lesser trochanter Attachment for iliopsoas m.
Trochanteric fossa
Intertrochanteric crest
Third trochanter Horse – superficial gluteal m. attachment
Medial/lateral supracondylar tuberosities Attachment for gastrocnemius mm.
Supracondylar fossa Ungulate – attachment for SDF m.
Trochlear groove
Medial/lateral trochlear ridges of femur
Resting and gliding surfaces of femoral trochlea Ungulate
Medial/lateral condyles of femur
Medial/lateral epicondyles of femur
Extensor fossa of femur Attachment of long digital extensor m., (and fibularis tertius m. in ungulates)
Patella Ungulate – apex (distal end), base (proximal end) Horse – resting and gliding surfaces
Sesamoids of gastrocnemius mm. = Fabellae [L] faba = bean; the fabellae are bean-shaped sesamoids Carnivore
Sesamoid of popliteus m. Carnivore
Tibia Body (shaft)
Tibial tuberosity
Medial malleolus All
Lateral malleolus Horse, because fibula fused to tibia.
Distal intermediate ridge Horse – this is a specific clinical/radiographic imaging term for the cochlea of the tibia where OCD occurs.
Fibula Lateral malleolus Carnivore, ruminant, pig

Osteology of Tarsus

Osteology  Features Species Differences
Calcaneus Tuber calcanei (calcaneal tuberosity)
Sustentaculum tali
Talus Trochlea – with medial and lateral ridges of trochlea Artiodactyls have a proximal and distal part to the trochlea
Tarsal bones – Central, I, II, III, IV Variation in number present and fusion between tarsal bones, be able to identify in carnivore, horse, ruminant.

Osteology of Metatarsus and Digit
Osteology Features Species Differences
Metatarsal bone I Carnivore only (variable)
Metatarsal bone II Horse – button of splint bone at distal end Horse – MT2 is the medial splint bone
Metatarsal bone III Horse – sagittal ridge of MC3 Ruminant – MT3 + MT4 fused
Metatarsal bone IV Horse – button of splint bone at distal end Horse – MT4 is the lateral splint bone; Ruminant – MT3+MT4 fused
Metatarsal bone V Carnivore only
Metatarsal sesamoid bone Ruminant
Proximal sesamoid bones Base, apex, axial and abaxial surfaces Ungulate only
Distal sesamoid bone = Navicular bone distal border, proximal border, flexor and articular surfaces, sagittal ridge of navicular bone Horse only
Digits (I)II-V – species variation Consist of proximal, middle and distal phalanges; axial and abaxial side to each digit (or medial and lateral sides in horse since only one digit) Carnivores – 4 digits typical, ie digits 2-5

Ruminant and Pig – 4 digits (3 and 4 are weight bearing; 2 and 5 = dewclaws)

Horse – 1 digit (3rd digit, bears all weight of limb!)

Proximal phalanx Ungulate – Pp, P1, long pastern bone
Middle phalanx Ungulate – Pm, P2, short pastern bone
Distal phalanx Ungulate – Pd, P3, coffin or pedal bone
Extensor process All (attachment of CDE)
Flexor tubercle of Pd Carnivore, Ruminant
Solar border (margin) Horse
Crena marginis solearis Horse
Medial and lateral plantar processes (‘wings’) of Pd Horse
Solar surface with smooth area and flexor surface Horse (DDFT attaches to flexor surface of solar surface)

Joints and Ligaments of the Pelvic Limb

Features Species Differences
Sacroiliac joint
Sacrotuberous ligament Dog
Sacrosciatic ligament Ungulate
Coxal joint
Ligament of the femoral head Cut end can be identified (in horse combined with accessory ligament)
Accessory ligament of the femoral head Horse only (no need to identify separately to regular ligament)
Acetabular lip Carnivore – cartilaginous extension of rim of acetabulum
Transverse acetabular ligament Carnivore – bridges acetabular notch
Stifle (genual) joint
Patellar ligament(s) Horse & Ox – medial, intermediate/middle, lateral
Carnivore, small ruminant, pig – single
Femoropatellar ligament Medial and lateral
Collateral ligament of stifle (may also refer to as femorotibial ligament) Medial and lateral
Cruciate ligament Cranial and caudal
Meniscus Medial and lateral
Meniscofemoral ligament
Femoropatellar joint
Medial femorotibial joint
Lateral femorotibial joint
Parapatellar fibrocartilage Horse only, see cross section specimens
Tarsus – Tarsus and distal not studied in pig
Flexor canal of tarsus
Collateral ligament of tarsus Medial and lateral
Long plantar ligament Horse only
Tarsocrural joint Articular surface
Tarsocrural joint pouches Horse – dorsolateral, dorsomedial, plantarolateral, plantaromedial
Proximal intertarsal joint
Distal intertarsal joint
Tarsometatarsal joint
Metatarsophalangeal and interphalangeal joints
The detailed arthrology and ligaments is similar to the thoracic limb and will not be revisited here. It suffices to be able to name the bones and the joints of this region.

Lab 2

Muscle Action Groups
Flexors of the stifle and extensors of the hip
  • Biceps Femoris m.
  • Semitendinosus m.
  • Semimembranosus m.
Flexors of the hip
  • Sartorius m.
  • Iliopsoas m. (covered in lab 4)
Adductors of the pelvic limb
  • Gracilis m.
  • Pectineus m.
  • Adductor m.
Muscle/structure Attachments/comments Action/comments
Biceps femoris m.

Gluteobiceps m. (in artiodactyls)

  1. Sacrotuberous (sacrosciatic in ungulates) ligament and ischiatic tuberosity
  2. Lateral stifle, tibia, and tuber calcanei

In artiodactyls, biceps femoris and superficial gluteal are fused to form gluteobiceps m. (see next lab)

Flex the stifle; extend the hip

(Secondary: extend stifle and tarsus, abduct hip)

Semitendinosus m.
  1. Ischiatic tuberosity (all species) plus vertebrae and sacrosciatic lig. (horse and pig)
  2. Tibia and tuber calcanei
Flex the stifle; extend the hip.

(Secondary: extend the tarsus)

The vertebral and ligament attachments in the horse and pig provide for the rounded contour of their croup/rump.

Semimembranosus m.
  1. Ischiatic tuberosity (all species) plus vertebrae and sacrosciatic lig. (horse and pig)
  2. Distal femur and medial proximal tibia
Flex the stifle; extend the hip.

(Secondary: extend the stifle)

The vertebral and ligament attachments in the horse and pig provide for the rounded contour of their croup/rump.

Sartorius m.
  1. Ilium
  2. Cranial part: patella; Caudal part: tibia
Flex the hip

(Secondary: cranial part extends the stifle; caudal part flexes the stifle)

Gracilis m.
  1. Pelvic symphysis
  2. Tibia and tuber calcanei
Adduct the pelvic limb

(Secondary: flex the stifle, extend hip and tarsus)

Pectineus m.
  1. Ilium and pubis
  2. Distomedial femur
Adduct the pelvic limb
Adductor m.
  1. Pelvic symphysis, ischium and pubis
  2. Distocaudal femur
Adduct the pelvic limb

(Secondary: extend the hip)

Popliteal lymph node Identify in carnivore Site for lymph node biopsy (eg fine needle aspiration).
Fascia lata Identify very thick fascia on cranial and lateral thigh Related to biceps femoris and tensor fasciae latae mm.
Femoral Triangle Identify and recall muscular boundaries of this region Recall clinical application for femoral pulse palpation in carnivores.
Croup/Rump Horse = croup

Artiodactyls = rump

Croup of horse and rump of pig have a rounded contour due to additional vertebral origins of hamstring muscles.

In the carnivore and ruminants the ST and SM muscles arise from the ischiatic tuberosity but not the sacral or caudal vertebrae.


Lab 4

Muscle Action Groups
Flexors of the hip
  • Tensor fasciae latae m.
  • Iliopsoas m.
  • Sartorius m.
Extensors of the hip
  • Gluteofemoralis m.
  • Superficial Gluteal m.
  • Middle Gluteal m.
  • Deep Gluteal m.
Lateral rotators of the femur
  • Internal Obturator m.
  • Gemelli m.
  • Quadratus femoris m.
  • External obturator m.
Extensors of the stifle
  • Quadriceps femoris mm.
Muscle/structure Attachments/comments Action/comments
Tensor fascia latae m.
  1. Ilium, gluteal fascia
  2. Fascia lata
Flex the hip, extend the stifle
Gluteofemoralis m. (cat only)
  1. Caudal vertebrae
  2. Fascia lata
Abduct hip or move tail laterally
Superficial gluteal m.
  1. Pelvis
  2. Third trochanter (horse and carnivore); fuses with biceps femoris in artiodactyls to form gluteobiceps m.
Extend the hip and abduct the pelvic limb
Sacrotuberous ligament – canine feature Fibrous band connecting sacrum to ischiatic tuberosity Attachment site for muscles in canine.
Middle gluteal m. (and piriformis, FYI)
  1. Ilium
  2. Greater trochanter (caudal part of greater trochanter in horse)
Extend the hip, abduct the pelvic limb, and rotate femur medially at hip
Accessory gluteal m. – in ungulates only.
  1. Pelvis
  2. Greater trochanter of femur, (cranial part in horse)
Extend the hip, abduct the pelvic limb – ungulate only.
Trochanteric bursa – horse feature lies deep to tendon of accessory gluteal as it inserts on greater trochanter. Identify in horse specifically.
Deep gluteal m.
  1. Ilium and ischiatic spine
  2. Greater trochanter (caudal part in horse)
Extend the hip, abduct the pelvic limb, and rotate femur medially at hip
Internal obturator m.
  1. Dorsal ischium and pubis
  2. Trochanteric fossa
Lateral rotation of femur at the hip.
Gemelli mm.
  1. Ischium
  2. Trochanteric fossa
Lateral rotation of femur at the hip.
Quadratus femoris m.
  1. Ischium
  2. Intertrochanteric crest
Lateral rotation of femur at the hip. (Secondary: extend the hip)
External obturator m.
  1. Ventral ischium and pubis
  2. Trochanteric fossa
Lateral rotation of femur at the hip.
Quadriceps femoris m.
  • Vastus lateralis
  • Vastus intermedius
  • Vastus medialis
  • Rectus femoris
  1. Rectus femoris=ilium; Vastus mm.=proximal femur
  2. Tibial tuberosity
Extend the stifle. (Secondary: rectus femoris also flexes hip)
Iliopsoas m.
  1. Ilium and lumbar vertebrae
  2. Lesser trochanter
Flex the hip
Sartorius m.
  1. Ilium
  2. Cranial part=patella; Caudal part=tibia
Flex the hip

(Secondary: cranial part extends the stifle; caudal part flexes the stifle)

Lab 5

Muscle Action Groups
Flexors of the tarsus  
  • Cranial tibial m.
  • Fibularis longus m.
  • Fibularis tertius m.
Flexors of the tarsus, extensors of the digit(s)  
  • Long digital extensor m.
  • Lateral digital extensor m.
Extensors of the tarsus  
  • Gastrocnemius m.
  • Soleus m.
Extensors of the tarsus, flexors of the digit(s)
  • Superficial digital flexor m.
  • Deep digital flexor m.
Muscle/structure Attachments/comments Action/comments
Cranial tibial m.
  1. Proximal tibia
  2. Proximal metatarsals (species variation)
Flex tarsus
Cunean tendon – horse Medial tendon of insertion of Cranial tibial m. attaches to fused T1/T2 bones Horse only
Cunean bursa – horse Subtendinous bursa of cunean tendon Horse only
Long digital extensor m.
  1. Extensor fossa of the femur
  2. Extensor process(es) of distal phalanx(ges) – species variation
Flex tarsus, extend digit(s).
Extensor retinaculum Fibrous band binding down tendons – species variation
Lateral digital extensor m. – horse and ruminant
  1. Fibular head and lateral collateral ligament (of stifle)
  2. Unites with long digital extensor tendon in proximal metatarsus (horse); Digit 4 (Ruminants)
Flex tarsus, extend digit(s)
Fibularis longus m.

(not present in horse)

  1. Proximal tibia and fibula
  2. Proximal metatarsals and T4
Flex tarsus
Fibularis tertius m. – horse and ruminant
  1. Extensor fossa of the femur
  2. Proximal metatarsus (and T4, horse)
Flex tarsus
Gastrocnemius m. – medial and lateral heads
  1. Supracondylar tuberosities of the femur
  2. Tuber calcanei
Extend tarsus

(Secondary: flex the stifle)

Superficial digital flexor m.
  1. Lateral supracondylar tuberosity – carnivore; Supracondylar fossa – ungulate
  2. Tuber calcanei and middle phalanx(ges) (plus proximal phalanx in horse)
Extend tarsus, flex digit(s)
Soleus m. – identify in cat
  1. Proximal fibula
  2. Common calcanean tendon
Extend tarsus
Common calcaneal tendon Powerful combined tendon on caudal crus Recall the contributing muscles.
Deep digital flexor m.

3 heads:

Lateral digital flexor

Medial digital flexor

Caudal tibial (ungulates)

  1. Proximal caudal tibia and fibula – species variation
  2. Plantar distal phalanx(ges)
Extend tarsus, flex digit(s)
Popliteus m.
  1. Lateral epicondyle of the femur
  2. Proximal caudal tibia
Medial rotation of leg at the stifle
Reciprocal apparatus – horse Fibularis tertius and SDF mm. working together, part of PL passive stay apparatus in horse. Stifle and tarsus extend and flex in unison in horse.

Lab 6

Many of these terms have been covered in previous labs.

Primary structure
Feature Horse and Ruminant (Ox), unless noted
Stifle Medial and lateral trochlear ridges, femur
Medial and lateral condyles, femur
Trochlear groove, femur
Resting and gliding surfaces of patella horse
Resting and gliding surfaces of trochlea, femur horse
Parapatellar fibrocartilage horse
Medial and lateral collateral ligaments, stifle
Medial and lateral femoropatellar ligaments
Medial, intermediate, lateral patellar ligaments
Cranial and caudal cruciate ligaments
Meniscofemoral ligament
Medial and lateral meniscus
Femoropatellar joint
Medial femorotibial joint
Lateral femorotibial joint
Patella locking mechanism – 4 structures involved horse
Tarsus Tarsocrural joint
Dorsomedial, dorsolateral, plantaromedial, plantarolateral pouches of tarsocrural joint horse
Proximal intertarsal joint
Distal intertarsal joint
Tarsometatarsal joint
Talus – medial and lateral trochlear ridges
Calcaneus – tuber calcanei, sustentaculum tali
Tarsal bones – central, 2nd, 3rd, 4th species specific fusion
Flexor canal of tarsus and its boundaries
Flexor retinaculum
Subtendinous calcaneal bursa
Medial and lateral collateral ligaments
Long plantar ligament
Tendons of caudal crus muscles at tarsus
Tendons of cranial crus muscles at tarsus
Extensor retinaculum
Cunean tendon horse
Cunean bursa horse
Metatarsus Tendons of digital flexors and extensors
Suspensory ligament
Accessory ligament of DDFT – as present horse
Pelvic Limb Passive Stay Apparatus – horse
Patellar locking mechanism horse
Reciprocal apparatus – fibularis tertius and SDFT horse
Suspensory apparatus horse
SDFT, DDFT (+/- accessory lig.) horse

Lab 7

Foot anatomy – horse unless otherwise noted
Epidermal features
Coronet/”coronary band” junction of haired skin and hoof wall
Hoof capsule the epidermal structure of the foot, consists of wall, sole, frog.
Toe, quarters, heels Hoof wall subdivisions as viewed externally
Bars (of foot) feature of hoof wall on ground surface
Sole (of foot)
Frog: crura, apex, central groove, spine of frog
Paracuneal/collateral grooves of frog between bars and frog
Heel bulbs
Perioplic groove on inner surface of hoof wall, very narrow
Coronary groove on inner surface of hoof wall, relatively wide
3 layers of hoof wall =
stratum externum = periople
stratum medium
stratum internum = insensitive lamina or epidermal lamina
Tubular and intertubular horn understand where it is found
‘White line’ unpigmented deepest part of stratum medium
White zone white line plus stratum internum and pigmented horn in between, extending from P3 solar border to ground surface.
Dermal features
Perioplic corium
Coronary corium
Laminar corium and terminal papillae
Sole corium
Frog corium
Additional features
Digital cushion modified hypodermis (subcutaneous tissue)
Collateral cartilages of foot Horse
Vascular anatomy of foot Horse
Coronary plexus Concept only, not identified
Dorsal plexus Concept only, not identified
Palmar plexus Concept only, not identified
Foot anatomy – artiodactyls
hoof wall
heel bulb
digital pad combination of heel bulb and underlying digital cushion




Unit 2: Musculoskeletal System Copyright © by Mathew Gerard and Lindsey Cobb. All Rights Reserved.

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