Lab 10: Review

Review Videos

Dog carotid sheath and cervical nerves – 6 min

Cat cervical nerves – 6 min

Neck nerves – 6 min

Dog thorax nerves – 10 min, stop at 24 min


Horse thorax nerves – 2 min, stop at 3 min

Goat thorax nerves – 3 min, stop at 12:15

Pig thorax nerves – 5 min, stop at 25:30

Dog abdominal nerves – 3 min, watch until 4 min

Cat thorax and abdomen nerves – watch until 17 min

Dog abdominal nerves – watch until 7 min

Dog thoracic limb nerves – 10 min. Watch until 21 min.

Cat thoracic limb autonomous zones – 1 min

Horse TL nerves (cadaver) – Watch until 9 min

Calf TL nerves (cadaver) – 5 min

Goat TL nerves (cadaver) – Watch until 4:20

Pig TL nerves (cadaver) – 3 min

Horse distal thoracic limb nerve distribution (drawing) – 6 min

Dog Pelvic Limb Nerves (with some FYI vessels) – Watch until 11:15

Dog pelvic limb nerves – 12 min, after switching to the medial side, jump to 12:10 to hear 1 min about the nerves

Horse pelvic limb nerves, wire model – 15 minutes

Horse pelvic limb nerves, cadaver – 17 minutes

Horse distal pelvic limb nerve distribution and nerve blocks – 25 min

Goat pelvic limb nerves – 5 min

Calf pelvic limb nerves – 4 min, watch until 24 min

Pig pelvic limb nerves – 4 min (mostly discusses arteries)

Dog spinal cord – 7 min

Carnivore spinal cord – 27 min


PDF Printable terms list

Lab 1

Term Species
Cervical spinal nerve 2 (C2) Carnivore
Great auricular n. Carnivore; innervates skin on caudal surface of ear
Cervical spinal nerves 3-5 (C3-5) Carnivore
Accessory n. (CN XI) All; innervates trapezius, omotransversarius, sternocephalicus, and cleidocephalicus mm.
Carotid sheath All; know contents
Vagosympathetic trunk All
Vagus n. (CN X) Carries parasympathetic fibers from brain
Sympathetic trunk Carries sympathetic fibers
Common carotid a. All
Internal jugular v. Identify in the Pig; Otherwise, know that it is included in the contents of the carotid sheath in other species, but don’t identify in species other than pig
Tracheal trunk Lymphatic vessel; know that it is included in the contents of the carotid sheath, but don’t identify
Intercostal a./v./n. All


Lab 2

Nerves of the Thoracic Cavity
Features Species
Vagus n. All
Left recurrent laryngeal n. All; courses cranially to innervate cricoarytenoideus dorsalis (CAD) m.
Cricoarytenoideus dorsalis (CAD) m. Understand innervation, don’t identify
Right recurrent laryngeal n. Horse; Understand course, but don’t identify in the carnivore or artiodactyl
Dorsal and ventral brr. Carnivores
Dorsal vagal trunk All; combination of left and right dorsal brr. of vagus nn.
Ventral vagal trunk All; combination of left and right ventral brr. of vagus nn.
Phrenic n. All; innervates diaphragm
Diagphragm m. All
Sympathetic trunk Carnivores
Ramus communicans Carnivores; connects sympathetic trunk ganglion to spinal nerve
Sympathetic trunk ganglion Carnivores
Cervicothoracic ganglion Carnivores
Vertebral n. Carnivores; courses cranially from cervicothoracic ganglion
Middle cervical ganglion Carnivore
Ansa subclavia Carnivore
Subclavian artery Ansa subclavia loops around subclavian a.


Lab 3

Nervous Structure Species
External abdominal oblique m. Carnivore
Internal abdominal oblique m. Carnivore
Transversus abdominus m. Carnivore
Nerves of the abdominal wall See below
Cutaneous brr. of T13-L3 All
Lateral cutaneous femoral n. All
Dorsal vagal trunk Carnivore; understand that it passes through the esophageal hiatus, don’t identify in abdomen
Ventral vagal trunk Carnivore; understand that it passes through the esophageal hiatus, don’t identify in abdomen
Lumbar sympathetic trunk Carnivore
Major splanchnic n. Carnivore
Celiacomesenteric ganglion and plexus Carnivore
Caudal mesenteric ganglion and plexus Carnivore
Left and right hypogastric nn. Carnivore


Lab 4

Terms Species Muscle(s) Innervated/Notes
Brachial plexus All Roots includes C6, C7, C8, T1, T2
Cranial pectoral nn. Know innervation, don’t identify
  1. Superficial pectoral m.
Caudal pectoral nn. Know innervation, don’t identify
  1. Deep pectoral m.
Thoracodorsal n. Carnivore
  1. Latissimus dorsi m.
Lateral thoracic n. Carnivore
  1. Cutaneous trunci m.
Long thoracic n. All
  1. Serratus ventralis m.
Suprascapular n. All
  1. Supraspinatus m.
  2. Infraspinatus m.
Subscapular n. All
  1. Subscapularis m.
Axillary n. All
  1. Deltoideus m.
  2. Teres major m.
  3. Teres minor m.
Musculocutaneous n. All
  1. Biceps brachii m.
  2. Brachialis m.
Medial cutaneous antebrachial n. (Understand, don’t identify) Cutaneous (sensory) innervation of medial arm
Radial n. All
  1. Triceps brachii m.
  2. Brachioradialis m.
  3. Extensors of the carpus and digits
Deep branch All
Superficial branch All
Lateral cutaneous antebrachial n. Carnivore (Understand, don’t identify) Cutaneous (sensory) innervation of lateral arm
Median n. All
  1. Flexors of the carpus and digits (know that these mm. are innervated by median and ulnar nn.)
Ulnar n. All
  1. Flexors of the carpus and digits (know that these mm. are innervated by median and ulnar nn.)
Caudal cutaneous antebrachial n. Carnivore (Understand, don’t identify) Cutaneous (sensory) innervation of caudal arm
Autonomous zones of the manus Understand in the carnivore Radial n. or ulnar n.
Dorsal/palmar common digital nn. (I-IV) Understand on model or skeleton, do not identify in cadaver
Dorsal/palmar axial/abaxial proper digital nn. (I-V) Understand on model or skeleton, do not identify in cadaver


Lab 5

Terms from this ungulate dissection lab may be duplicates from lab 4.

Terms Species
Radial n. All
Musculocutaneous n. All
Median n. All
Ulnar n. All
Medial palmar n. Horse
Carpal canal (i.e., Flexor canal of the carpus) Horse
Lateral palmar n. Horse
Communicating branch Horse
Deep branch of lateral palmar n. Horse
Medial and lateral palmar metacarpal nn. Horse
Medial and lateral palmar digital nn. Horse
Suspensory ligament Horse; ox


Lab 6

Terms Species Muscle(s) Innervated/Notes
Lumbosacral plexus All
Caudal gluteal n. All
  1. Superficial gluteal m.
  2. Gluteofemoralis m.
  3. Cranial portion of gluteobiceps m.
Cranial gluteal n. All
  1. Middle gluteal m.
  2. Deep gluteal m.
  3. Tensor fascia latae m.
Caudal cutaneous femoral n. Carnivore
Sciatic n. All
  1. Biceps femoris m.
  2. Semitendinosus m.
  3. Semimembranosus m.

Caudal cutaneous sural n.

Carnivore Innervates skin of the caudal crus

Lateral cutaneous sural n.

Carnivore Passes through the deep surface of the biceps femoris m.; innervates skin of lateral crus
Common fibular n. All
  1. Cranial tibial m.
  2. Flexors of the tarsus, extensors of the digits
Tibial n. All
  1. Gastrocnemius m.
  2. Extensors of the tarsus, flexors of the digits
Obturator n. All
  1. Gracilis m.
  2. Adductor m.
  3. Pectineus m.
Femoral n. All
  1. Quadriceps femoris m.
Saphenous n. All

Femoral triangle

All Borders = abdominal body wall, sartorius m., and pectineus m.; Femoral artery and vein, and saphenous nerve pass through femoral triangle
Autonomous zones of pes Carnivore Tibial n. and common fibular n.


Lab 7

Terms from this ungulate dissection lab may be duplicates from lab 6.

Terms Species
Caudal gluteal n. All
Cranial gluteal n. All
Caudal cutaneous femoral n. All
Sciatic n. All
Common fibular n. All
Superficial and deep fibular nn. All
Tibial n. All
Obturator n. All
Femoral n. All
Saphenous n. All
Medial and lateral plantar nn. Horse
Communicating branch Horse
Deep branch of lateral plantar n. Horse
Medial and lateral plantar metatarsal nn. Horse
Medial and lateral plantar digital nn. Horse


Lab 8

Terms Species
Vertebral foramen All
Vertebral canal All; combination of vertebral foramina in articulated vertebral column through which passes the spinal cord
Intervertebral foramen All; foramen for spinal nerves to pass through to and from the spinal cord
Spinal cord segments Understand, don’t identify
Cervical intumescence C6-T2 Carnivore; enlargement of spinal cord related to brachial plexus
Lumbar intumescence L4-S3 Carnivore; enlargement of spinal cord related to lumbosacral plexus
Conus medullaris Carnivore; tapered caudal end of spinal cord
Cauda equina Carnivore; bundle of nerve roots at the caudal end of the spinal cord resembling “horse’s tail”
Spinal nerves Carnivore
Dorsal/ventral rootlets Identify on models
Spinal ganglion (i.e., Dorsal root ganglion) Identify on models
Dorsal atlanto-occipital membrane Calf
Epidural space Carnivore; calf
Dura mater Carnivore; calf
Arachnoid membrane Identify on models
Subarachnoid space Carnivore
Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) Know that it flows through the subarachnoid space
Pia mater Carnivore, also identify on models
White matter Carnivore; Also be prepared to identify on models
Dorsal funiculus Identify on models/slides
Lateral funiculus Identify on models/slides
Ventral funiculus Identify on models/slides
Grey matter Carnivore; Also be prepared to identify on models
Dorsal horn Identify on models/slides
Lateral horn Identify on models/slides
Ventral horn Identify on models/slides
Central canal Identify on models/slides
Ascending tract Understand, don’t identify
Descending tract Understand, don’t identify




Unit 3: Nervous System Copyright © by Jackson Spradley and Lindsey Cobb. All Rights Reserved.

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