
Instructions for Student Authors


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Pressbook Guides

NCSU Pressbook Examples:

TED Talks on Soft Biomaterials S24

Outline for Pressbook Chapters

Primary sections in BOLD must included as a standalone section of your group’s chapter.

  1. Who is <Speaker>?
    1. Background of the TED Talk Speaker and Topic
      1. Link to their TED Speaker Profile (if available).
      2. Provide a brief background of the speaker, highlighting their contributions to the field of polymeric biomaterials.
  2. <Name of TED Talk>
    1. Overview of the Talk
      1. Summarize the key points and objectives of the TED talk.
      2. Mention the date, location, and type of the TED talk to give context.
    2. Technological Advancements
      1. Discuss progress in the technology since the TED talk (if applicable).
      2. Highlight significant milestones or breakthroughs that have occurred.
      3. Evaluate the current commercial availability and any barriers to market entry.
    3. Explanation of how the TED talk relates to polymeric biomaterials. (For some talks this is obvious, for others the connection needs to be explicitly made.)
  3. Polymer Information (this can be a stand-alone section or incorporated into 2. or 4.)
    1. Introduction of the Polymer(s) used in the technology discussed in the TED talk
      1. Present an initial description of the polymer(s), including their relevance to the topic.
    2. Chemical Structure
      1. Provide the polymer(s) structure(s).
    3. Physical and Chemical Properties
      1. List the basic properties and how they relate to the polymer’s function in its application.
    4. Selection and Benefits
      1. Explain the rationale behind choosing these specific polymer(s) for the application and the advantages they offer.
  4. Scientific Paper on the Topic Written by the Speaker
    1. Paper Selection and Summary
      1. Choose a seminal paper by the speaker that is foundational to the TED talk’s content.
      2. Summarize the paper’s findings and significance to the field.
  5. Characterization Technique (this can be a stand-alone section or incorporated into 4.)
    1. Technique Overview
      1. Select a characterization technique that is pivotal for understanding the polymer(s).
      2. Use resources like JoVE, YouTube, or manufacturer websites to explain the technique in terms understandable to an upper-level STEM undergraduate.
    2. Information Provided by the Technique
      1. Detail what information and data the technique provides and any limitations it may have.
    3. Importance to the Technology
      1. Discuss how the characterization technique enhances the understanding or development of the technology discussed in the TED talk and paper.
  6. Discussion
    1. Analysis of the Polymer(s) in Context
      1. Critically analyze the role of the polymer(s) within the broader scope of biomaterials.
      2. Incorporate your group’s own insights and perspectives.
    2. Integrate Reflections on Future Perspectives
      1. Reflect on how the current state of the technology might evolve and what that means for the future of the field.
      2. Discuss the ethical, economic, and societal considerations of advancing this technology.
  7. Future Perspectives (this can be a stand-alone section or incorporated into 6. or 7.)
    1. Clinical Impact (if applicable)
      1. Discuss potential clinical applications and how they could revolutionize patient care.
      2. Speculate on the long-term benefits and challenges of implementing the technology in clinical settings.
    2. Scientific Impact
      1. Explore how the technology might drive future research and innovation in the field of polymeric biomaterials.
      2. Consider the implications for interdisciplinary collaboration and the advancement of related scientific areas.
  8. Conclusion
    1. Synthesis of Key Points
      1. Recap the main takeaways from your chapter and the TED talk.
    2. Impact of TED Talk
      1. Reflect on how the TED talk has influenced the field and public perception.
  9. References (can be a stand-alone section or references can be given at the end of section of your group’s chapter)
    1. Citation of Sources
      1. Ensure all scientific literature and resources are cited in a consistent format.
  10. Inclusion of Interactive Elements (one or more interactive elements should be incorporated into your chapter)
    1. Engagement Tools
      1. Design quizzes, discussion questions, and interactive diagrams using tools like H5P to facilitate active learning.
      2. Consider including a glossary of terms as an interactive element for quick reference.

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