Fall 2019: Investigating the Microbial Communities in Mortality Composts


Pipelines and computational resources.

BIT 477/577 Fall 2019 Students and Carlos Goller

Learning Objectives

  • To critically analyze a published tool.
  • To describe the importance of processing reads before use.
  • Examine different approaches used for processing reads.

What pipelines are available?

MG-RAST (Metagenomic Rapid Annotations using Subsystems Technology)

  • Suggests automatic phylogenetic and functional analysis of metagenomes
  • It is also a very large data repository for metagenomic data




  • Provides QIIME1, mothur, and DADA2 pipelines for amplicon data and the bioBakery pipeline for metagenome shotgun data.
  • Includes a quality control pipeline for demultiplexed samples
  • Some issues with Nephele may include low flexibility with the analyses that can be done


one codex


Microbiome platform for genomic analysis and data management. Key features include:

    • Taxonomy analysis
    • Functional gene predictions and markers (identification of potential genes of interest such as AMRs)
    • Reporting capabilities to answer specific questions
    • It does not do QC or paired-reads, but interactive plot produced within minutes thereafter.




    • A bioinformatics platform that achieves strain-level analysis with industry-leading sensitivity and precision.
    • Helps identify and characterize isolated organisms for strain discovery and sub-typing
      • Emphasizes pathogens, antimicrobial resistance, and virulence
    • Expensive (but free 24 samples or 12 WGS samples upon signing up)
    • They work with Qiagen and they have CLC plug-in function



Main points of article #2

Che et al. (2019). Mobile antibiotic resistome in wastewater treatment plants revealed by Nanopore metagenomic sequencing. Microbiome. 7. Article number: 44.

  • Three wastewater treatment facilities: influent, activated sludge, and effluent
  • Comparing Nanopore (long read) and Ilumina (short read) readings
  • Cultivated species: took affluent + LB + antibiotics —> sequenced non-multidrug resistance
  • Illumina Centrifuge: analyze sequences, get standardized pipelines
  • Plots: the abundance of antimicrobial genes in different samples
  1. Pathogens acquire multidrug resistance in wastewater treatments (plasmids facilitate this resistance acquisition)
  2. Higher prevalence of plasmids with antimicrobial resistance genes found in the effluent
  3. Combination of Nanopore + Illumina
  4. Limitations: No percentage abundance given for species


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BIT 477/577 Metagenomics Copyright © by Carlos Goller and BIT 477/577 Fall 2019 Students is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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