
Alkanes are relatively unreactive and rarely involved in chemical reactions, but they nevertheless provide a useful vehicle for introducing some important general ideas. In this chapter, we’ve used alkanes to introduce the basic approach to naming organic compounds and to take an initial look at some of the three-dimensional aspects of molecules.

A functional group is a group of atoms within a larger molecule that has a characteristic chemical reactivity. Because functional groups behave in approximately the same way in all molecules where they occur, the chemical reactions of an organic molecule are largely determined by its functional groups.

Alkanes are a class of saturated hydrocarbons with the general formula CnH2n+2. They contain no functional groups, are relatively inert, and can be either straight-chain (normal) or branched. Alkanes are named by a series of IUPAC rules of nomenclature. Compounds that have the same chemical formula but different structures are called isomers. More specifically, compounds such as butane and isobutane, which differ in their connections between atoms, are called constitutional isomers.

Carbon–carbon single bonds in alkanes are formed by σ overlap of carbon sp3 hybrid orbitals. Rotation is possible around σ bonds because of their cylindrical symmetry, and alkanes therefore exist in a large number of rapidly interconverting conformations.

Newman projections make it possible to visualize the spatial consequences of bond rotation by sighting directly along a carbon–carbon bond axis. Not all alkane conformations are equally stable. The staggered conformation of ethane is 12 kJ/mol (2.9 kcal/mol) more stable than the eclipsed conformation because of torsional strain. In general, any alkane is most stable when all its bonds are staggered.

Cyclic molecules are so commonly encountered throughout organic and biological chemistry that it’s important to understand the consequences of their cyclic structures. Thus, we’ve also taken a close look at cyclic structures in this chapter.

Cycloalkanes are saturated cyclic hydrocarbons with the general formula CnH2n. In contrast to open-chain alkanes, where nearly free rotation occurs around C−C bonds, rotation is greatly reduced in cycloalkanes. Disubstituted cycloalkanes can therefore exist as cis–trans isomers. The cis isomer has both substituents on the same side of the ring; the trans isomer has substituents on opposite sides. Cis–trans isomers are just one kind of stereoisomer—compounds that have the same connections between atoms but different three-dimensional arrangements.

Not all cycloalkanes are equally stable. Three kinds of strain contribute to the overall energy of a cycloalkane: (1) angle strain is the resistance of a bond angle to compression or expansion from the normal 109° tetrahedral value, (2) torsional strain is the energy cost of having neighboring C−H bonds eclipsed rather than staggered, and (3) steric strain is the repulsive interaction that arises when two groups attempt to occupy the same space.

Cyclopropane (115 kJ/mol strain) and cyclobutane (110.4 kJ/mol strain) have both angle strain and torsional strain. Cyclopentane is free of angle strain but has a substantial torsional strain due to its large number of eclipsing interactions. Both cyclobutane and cyclopentane pucker slightly away from planarity to relieve torsional strain.

Cyclohexane is strain-free because it adopts a puckered chair conformation, in which all bond angles are near 109° and all neighboring C–H bonds are staggered. Chair cyclohexane has two kinds of positions: axial and equatorial. Axial positions are oriented up and down, parallel to the ring axis, while equatorial positions lie in a belt around the equator of the ring. Each carbon atom has one axial and one equatorial position.

Chair cyclohexanes are conformationally mobile and can undergo a ring-flip, which interconverts axial and equatorial positions. Substituents on the ring are more stable in the equatorial position because axial substituents cause 1,3-diaxial interactions. The amount of 1,3-diaxial steric strain caused by an axial substituent depends on its size.


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