Key Terms

  • alcohol
  • aldehyde
  • alicyclic
  • aliphatic
  • alkane
  • alkene
  • alkyl group
  • alkyl halide
  • alkyne
  • angle strain
  • amide
  • amine
  • anti conformation
  • arene
  • axial position (cyclohexane)
  • branched-chain alkane
  • carbonyl group
  • carboxylic acid
  • chair conformation
  • cis–trans isomers
  • conformation
  • conformational analysis
  • conformational isomer
  • conformer
  • constitutional isomer
  • cycloalkanes
  • 1,3-diaxial interaction
  • eclipsed conformation
  • Equatorial position (cyclohexane)
  • ester
  • ether
  • functional group
  • gauche conformation
  • hydrocarbon
  • isomer
  • ketone
  • Newman projection
  • nitrile
  • R group
  • ring-flip (cyclohexane)
  • saturated
  • sawhorse representation
  • staggered conformation
  • stereochemistry
  • stereoisomer
  • steric strain
  • straight-chain alkane
  • substituent
  • sulfide
  • thiol
  • torsional strain


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Fundamentals of Organic Chemistry-OpenStax Adaptation Copyright © by Kirsten Kramer and Cassandra Lilly is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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