
Alkene chemistry is dominated by electrophilic addition reactions. When HX reacts with an unsymmetrically substituted alkene, Markovnikov’s rule predicts that the H will add to the carbon having fewer alkyl substituents and the X group will add to the carbon having more alkyl substituents. Electrophilic additions to alkenes take place through carbocation intermediates formed by reaction of the nucleophilic alkene π bond with electrophilic H+.

Carbocation stability follows the order

Tertiary (3°) > Secondary (2°) > Primary (1°) > Methyl R3C+ > R2CH+ > RCH2+ > CH3+

With the background needed to understand organic reactions now covered, this chapter has begun the systematic description of major functional groups.

Alkenes are generally prepared by an elimination reaction, such as dehydrohalogenation, the elimination of HX from an alkyl halide, or dehydration, the elimination of water from an alcohol. The converse of this elimination reaction is the addition of various substances to the alkene double bond to give saturated products.

HCl, HBr, and HI add to alkenes by a two-step electrophilic addition mechanism. Initial reaction of the nucleophilic double bond with H+ gives a carbocation intermediate, which then reacts with halide ion. Bromine and chlorine add to alkenes via three-membered-ring bromonium ion or chloronium ion intermediates to give addition products having anti stereochemistry.

Alkenes are reduced by addition of H2 in the presence of a catalyst such as platinum or palladium to yield alkanes, a process called catalytic hydrogenation. Alkenes are also oxidized by reaction with a peroxyacid to give epoxides, which can be converted into trans-1,2-diols by acid-catalyzed hydrolysis. The corresponding cis-1,2-diols can be made directly from alkenes by hydroxylation with OsO4.

Alkene polymers—large molecules resulting from repetitive bonding of many hundreds or thousands of small monomer units—are formed by chain-reaction polymerization of simple alkenes. Polyethylene, polypropylene, and polystyrene are examples. As a general rule, radical addition reactions are not common in the laboratory but occur frequently in biological pathways.

Many reactions give chiral products. If the reactants are optically inactive, the products are also optically inactive. If one or both of the reactants is optically active, the products can also be optically active.

A conjugated diene or other compound is one that contains alternating double and single bonds. One characteristic of conjugated dienes is that they are more stable than their nonconjugated counterparts. This stability can be explained by a molecular orbital description in which four p atomic orbitals combine to form four π molecular orbitals. Only the two bonding orbitals are occupied; the two antibonding orbitals are unoccupied. A π bonding interaction in the lowest-energy MO introduces some partial double-bond character between carbons 2 and 3, thereby strengthening the C2–C3 bond and stabilizing the molecule.

Conjugated dienes undergo several reactions not observed for nonconjugated dienes. One is the 1,4-addition of electrophiles. When a conjugated diene is treated with an electrophile such as HCl, 1,2- and 1,4-addition products are formed. Both result from the same resonance-stabilized allylic carbocation intermediate and are produced in varying amounts depending on the reaction conditions.

Alkynes are less common than alkenes, both in the laboratory and in living organisms, so we haven’t covered them in great detail. The real importance of this chapter is that alkyne chemistry is a useful vehicle for looking at the general strategies used in organic synthesis—the construction of complex molecules in the laboratory.

There are relatively few general methods of alkyne synthesis. Two favorable ones are the alkylation of an acetylide anion with a primary alkyl halide and the twofold elimination of HX from a vicinal dihalide.

The chemistry of alkynes is dominated by electrophilic addition reactions, similar to those of alkenes. Alkynes react with HBr and HCl to yield vinylic halides and with Br2 and Cl2 to yield 1,2-dihalides (vicinal dihalides). Alkynes can be hydrated by reaction with aqueous sulfuric acid in the presence of mercury(II) catalyst. The reaction leads to an intermediate enol that immediately tautomerizes to yield a ketone. Because the addition reaction occurs with Markovnikov regiochemistry, a methyl ketone is produced from a terminal alkyne. Alternatively, hydroboration–oxidation of a terminal alkyne yields an aldehyde.

Alkynes can be reduced to yield alkenes and alkanes. Complete reduction of the triple bond over a palladium hydrogenation catalyst yields an alkane; partial reduction by catalytic hydrogenation over a Lindlar catalyst yields a cis alkene. Reduction of the alkyne with lithium in ammonia yields a trans alkene.

Terminal alkynes are weakly acidic. The alkyne hydrogen can be removed by a strong base such as Na+ NH2 to yield an acetylide anion. An acetylide anion acts as a nucleophile and can displace a halide ion from a primary alkyl halide in an alkylation reaction. Acetylide anions are more stable than either alkyl anions or vinylic anions because their negative charge is in a hybrid orbital with 50% s character, allowing the charge to be closer to the nucleus.

Learning Reactions: What’s seven times nine? Sixty-three, of course. You didn’t have to stop and figure it out; you knew the answer immediately because you long ago learned the multiplication tables. Learning the reactions of organic chemistry requires the same approach: reactions have to be learned for quick recall if they are to be useful. Different people take different approaches to learning reactions. Some people make flashcards; others find studying with friends to be helpful. To help guide your study, most chapters in this book end with a summary of the reactions just presented. In addition, the accompanying Study Guide and Student Solutions Manual has several appendixes that organize organic reactions from other perspectives. Fundamentally, though, there are no shortcuts. Learning organic chemistry does take effort.


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