Chapter 2 – The Entrepreneurial Mindset
Learning Objectives
- Explain what it means to have an entrepreneurial mindset
- Describe what is meant by entrepreneurial spirit or passion
- Define social entrepreneurship and how it differs from traditional business
- Recognize the 17 UN SDGs
Entrepreneurial Mindset
Entrepreneurship takes many forms, but entrepreneurs share a major trait in common: An entrepreneur is someone who identifies an opportunity and chooses to act on that opportunity. Most business ventures are innovative variations of an existing idea that has spread across communities, regions, and countries, such as starting a restaurant or opening a retail store. These business ventures are, in some ways, a lower-risk approach but nonetheless are entrepreneurial in some way. For example, Warby Parker, a profitable startup founded by four graduate students at Wharton, disrupted a major incumbent (Luxottica) by providing a more convenient (online initially), affordable, and stylish product line for a large segment of consumers. In this sense, their innovation is about creating something new, unique, or different from the mainstream. Yet they attracted an existing, and in some ways mature, sector of an established industry.
In a different way, McDonalds, which is 90 percent owned by franchisees, introduced an “all day breakfast” menu in 2017 that was hugely successful; it also targeted a larger segment (in part younger consumers) and brought back consumers who had chosen other options. In summary, many entrepreneurs start a new venture by solving a problem that is significant, offering some value that other people would appreciate if the product or service were available to them. Other entrepreneurs, in contrast, start a venture by offering a “better mousetrap” in terms of a product, service, or both. In any case, it is vital that the entrepreneur understand the market and target segment well, articulate a key unmet need (“pain point”), and develop and deliver a solution that is both viable and feasible. In that aspect, many entrepreneurs mitigate risks before they launch the venture.
Being aware of your surroundings and the encounters in your life can reveal multiple opportunities for entrepreneurship. In our daily lives, we constantly find areas where improvements could be made. For example, you might ask, “What if we didn’t have to commute to work?” “What if we didn’t have to own a vehicle but still had access to one?” “What if we could relax while driving to work instead of being stressed out by traffic?” These types of questions inspired entrepreneurial ventures such as ride-sharing services like Uber, the self-driving vehicle industry, and short-term bicycle access in the free bike-sharing program in Pella, Iowa.

These ideas resulted from having an entrepreneurial mindset, an awareness and focus on identifying an opportunity through solving a problem, and a willingness to move forward to advance that idea. The entrepreneurial mindset is the lens through which the entrepreneur views the world, where everything is considered in light of the entrepreneurial business. The business is always a consideration when the entrepreneur makes a decision. In most cases, the action that the entrepreneur takes is for the benefit of the business, but sometimes, it helps the entrepreneur get ready to adopt the appropriate mindset. The mindset becomes a way of life for the entrepreneur. Entrepreneurs often are predisposed to action to achieve their goals and objectives. They are forward thinking, always planning ahead, and they are engaged in “what if” analyses. They frequently ask themselves, “What if we did this?” “What if a competitor did that?”—and consider what the business implications would be.
Most people follow habits and traditions without being aware of their surroundings or noticing the opportunities to become entrepreneurs. Because anyone can change their perspective from following established patterns to noticing the opportunities around them, anyone can become an entrepreneur. There is no restriction on age, gender, race, country of origin, or personal income. To become an entrepreneur, you need to recognize that an opportunity exists and be willing to act on it.
Entrepreneurial mindset and problem-solving
Within your industry of interest or area of study, what are the challenges that create frustration? How can these be turned into opportunities?
In the agriculture industry, insects, weeds, weather conditions, and the challenges of harvesting crops are all ripe for entrepreneurial activities. The move toward organic produce has also affected this industry. From an entrepreneurial perspective, what products could you invent to support both organic farming and the problems of insects that damage or destroy crops? The old method was to use chemical sprays to kill the insects, but today, the growing demand for organic foods and increased awareness of the impact of chemical sprays on our environment are changing this scenario. One new idea to solve this problem combines a vacuum cleaner with an agriculture product. A bug vacuum is an example of how using divergent thinking contributed to the solution of removing bugs from crops without using chemicals.
Often, the entrepreneurial mindset includes futuristic ideas that shake up the normal, conventional processes that are grounded in experience over time. Tried-and-tested processes and products that have a proven history of success can be a formidable obstacle to new ideas. A new idea may even appear as impossible or outlandish, perhaps even an embarrassment to the steady and predictable practices established within an industry. This can create a dilemma: Do we try something new and unproven that lacks documented research? Sometimes, we must disregard our past successes and research to be open to new possibilities for success and failure. An entrepreneurial mindset includes creativity, problem-solving skills, and a propensity to innovation. Open-mindedness is one characteristic that supports creativity, problem solving, and innovation. Taking the time to explore new ideas, dream, reflect, and view situations from a new perspective contribute to the entrepreneurial mindset.
Entrepreneurial Spirit and Passion
An entrepreneurial spirit allows entrepreneurs to carry a manner of thinking with them each day that allows them to overcome obstacles and to meet challenges with a can-do attitude. What does it mean to have an entrepreneurial spirit? For the purposes of this discussion, it could mean being passionate, purposeful, positive, bold, curious, or persistent.
The founders of Airbnb have a passion for supporting individual rights to rent out unused space. Why should the established model of hotels prevail? Why shouldn’t an individual homeowner have the freedom to rent out unused space and leverage that space into an income? Airbnb has succeeded in creating more flexible and affordable options in the space of the rapidly growing “sharing” economy. At the same time, some states and municipalities have raised issues about the regulations monitoring ventures like this. While entrepreneurial spirit is partly about fighting for individual rights and freedoms, there should be a balance between economic freedom and consumer protection. The entrepreneurial spirit involves a passion for presenting an idea that is worthwhile and valuable, and a willingness to think beyond established patterns and processes, while still keeping in mind local laws and regulations, in the quest to change those established patterns, or at least to offer alternatives to those established patterns.
Passion is a critical component of the entrepreneurial process. Without it, an entrepreneur can lose the drive to run the business. Passion can keep an entrepreneur going when the outside world sends negative messages or less-than-positive feedback. For example, if you are truly passionate about starting an animal shelter because of your love of animals, you will find a way to make it happen. Your internal drive to help animals in need will spur you on to do whatever it takes to make the shelter become a reality. The same is true of other types of startups and owners with similar passions. However, passion needs to be informed by the entrepreneur’s vision and mission—passion for the sake of passion is not enough. A vision statement details the future of the company and is usually broad in scope, while a mission statement details the objectives for achieving that vision. Passion, vision, and mission can reinforce each other and keep the entrepreneur on the right track with next steps for the business.
Social Entrepreneurship
Social entrepreneurship describes ventures launched by entrepreneurs who are first and foremost advocates or champions for a social cause. However, they are able to leverage that cause as a platform to develop and maintain an economically viable organization. These individuals are primarily driven and motivated by a higher vision or grander purpose. This new breed of entrepreneur leverages the power of their position, their standing in the community, and the potential synergy and wealth-creation power of an enterprise as a vehicle or platform to advance their social goals and personal agenda. These social causes often include a solution for a costly and chronic social problem or pain, a social wrong or injustice that must be corrected, or a global issue that has been either overlooked or marginalized by society or organizations.
While the primary goal and end-state for a socially responsible entrepreneur is to generate wealth, the dominant goal for a social entrepreneur is to serve a specific cause as they generate wealth to support that cause. This means a social entrepreneur works to advance society instead of accumulating greater wealth for the shareholder. Social entrepreneurs often share qualities such as a selfless attitude, a sense of obligation and responsibility towards someone or something, a strong commitment to make a change, and a resilience to withstand failure.
Social entrepreneurs will often create social enterprises, a for-profit business created to solve a social or environmental problem. In the figure below, we see that the social enterprise falls between the traditional nonprofit organization and the traditional for-profit business.
With the dual-mission of a social enterprise (making a profit and supporting a social cause), it is often difficult for social entrepreneurs to do both well. When social enterprise owners pursue one mission over another, this is known as mission drift. If owners become too focused on profits, at the expense of the organization’s social cause, they run the risk of diminishing their impact to support their cause. On the other hand, if owners become too focused on supporting their cause at the expense of the business, they may continue to lose profits to the point that the business ceases to exist. It’s important for social entrepreneurs to continually monitor where their business stands to make strategic decisions to keep both missions in balance.
SAGE Case Study: Elvis & Kresse
Elvis & Kresse is a UK-based social enterprise that reuses and transforms waste into luxury lifestyle products and donates 50% of profits to charitable causes. The social enterprise was founded by Kresse Wesling, a Canadian-born, UK-based, multi-award-winning environmental entrepreneur with a background in venture capital investments and with significant start-up experience, and her life partner, James Henrit – whose business name is Elvis. Elvis & Kresse’s first line of products, specifically luxury bags, were made from decommissioned fire hoses. To produce their current range of products, the enterprise collects a variety of waste streams such as leather offcuts, parachute silk, and auction banners. Elvis & Kresse has several charitable partnerships and is involved in collaborations across industries, from fashion houses to FTSE 100 companies.
As the social enterprise grows, its ability to meet social goals and remain financially viable without drifting from its social mission may be in jeopardy. The need to survive in a competitive landscape with many big players in the ethical fashion industry, such as Chanel and Burberry, may force the social enterprise to seek to maximize profits in the same way as any other commercial business and to adopt similar business practices or risk failure. The wider competitive landscape could potentially be regarded as a constraint rather than a ‘way of doing business’, and this therefore leaves the social enterprise with the choice between focusing on its wider social objectives or profit maximization. More importantly, balancing these ‘competing logics’ of business and social may require the social enterprise to safeguard its core social mission through a new strategic approach.
United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs)
In 2015, the United Nations member states created a call to action to bring peace and prosperity to people and the planet. The 17 goals are presented in the video below and more detailed information on each of the goals can be found here.
Many organizations from nonprofits to social enterprises to traditional businesses have recognized the need to support one of more of these goals. From an entrepreneurial perspective, how can we create more social enterprises that not only produce a profit, but also aim to solve the UN SDGs?
Project Preparation
Which of the SDGs do you find most important? What steps would you take to achieve the goal? What impact would solving that SDG have on society and the planet? The project in this course will focus on solving one or more of the SDGs, so be sure you have reviewed each of the goals prior to Module 2.
This work builds upon materials originally developed by the following:
OpenStax in their publication “Entrepreneurship,” which is licensed under CC BY 4.0.
Katherine Carpenter in their publication “Introduction to Entrepreneurship,” licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0.
ventures launched by entrepreneurs who are first and foremost advocates or champions for a social cause
a for-profit business created to solve a social or environmental problem
when social enterprise owners pursue one mission over another