
Chapter 12: Global Ecology


  • Reclamation: returning a piece of damaged or unused land to a more productive state. Notably, reclamation refers to measures taken to alleviate problems, even if it creates an ecosystem different from the original.
  • Reintroduction: the deliberate release or translocation of a locally extinct / extirpated species, to parts of its original / natural range
  • Restoration: returning a habitat, environment, or ecosystem to its original condition or membership, prior to a disturbance (often anthropogenic)
  • Rewilding: conservation effort focused on restoring sustainable biodiversity and ecosystem health by connecting and preserving wild areas (that have not been significantly modified by human activity or used for agriculture), and protecting or reintroducing keystone species/apex predators.

Outline of Notes:

  • General rules of context:
    • Diversity hotspots in hills and low mountains, resulting from speciation associated with different altitudes
    • Rock type/geologic history and landcover
    • Latitude and longitude affect patterns
  • Different goals of restoration and reclamation:
    • Reclamation: prioritize increasing ecosystem functioning, not structure
    • Restoration: return ecosystem to its original state as much as possible

→ Ideal, but usually not realistic

  • Rewilding: conservation effort focused on restoring sustainable biodiversity and ecosystem health by connecting and preserving wild areas, and protecting or reintroducing keystone species/apex predators.
    • Goals:
      • Slow/prevent extinctions
      • Restore ecosystem health
      • Minimize dependence on human intervention and management
        • Let nature take care of itself to restore damaged ecosystems

What Does the Future Look Like?

  • Anthropogenic influences shape ecology
  • Some species will thrive due to these anthropogenic influences
  • These species share common characteristics
Table 1. Anthropogenic pressures favor some species and traits.
Anthropogenic influences: Species that will thrive: Shared characteristics:
  • Fossil fuel use
  • Pollution
  • Habitat destruction / fragmentation
  • Ocean acidification
  • Urbanization
  • Human consumption (making plastics, eating meat, etc.)
  • Introduction of non-native species
  • Humans
  • Domesticated species
  • Livestock
  • Rodents, bats, some birds
  • Ectotherms
  • Generalists
  • Algal blooms
  • Mosquitoes, roaches, other insects (especially “pests”)
  • Invasive species
  • Pollution-tolerant species
  • Disturbance-tolerant species
  • Generalist species
  • Ability to live in / adapt to disturbed areas and edge habitat
  • Ability to adapt to humans
  • Species with faster generation time and more offspring (R-selected species), because their populations can “bounce back” and mutate more quickly

Blog-style Summary:

Global ecology encompasses the interactions of Earth’s ecosystems with the geosphere, hydrosphere, and atmosphere.


Figure 1. Visualization of the Earth system as a set of four overlapping, interacting spheres. Image credits: Jennifer Loomis, TERC/Biosphere image provided by ORBIMAGE © Orbital Imaging Corporation. Processing by NASA Goddard Space Flight Center. Image source: Exploring Earth

Global wind and water currents combine with global temperatures to drive the five major climate zones: tropical, dry / arid, temperate, continental, and polar. The relationship between temperature and moisture drives global patterns in terrestrial biomes through net primary productivity (NPP). Where the climate varies, elevation, geology and soil type can shift the balance between different biome types. Biomes, in turn, select for different traits, contributing to global biodiversity.


Figure 2. Charting biodiversity through antler size shows a lot about the climate and habitats that deer live in, as well as the relative importance of sexual dimorphism in specific areas. Larger deer tend to live in colder climates and access more food due to their intimidating size, which increases competitive fitness and helps protect against predation. For smaller deer that live in the pampas, rainforest, and mountain regions of South America, large body and antler size would make them easy targets for predation and severely limit their mobility. This map of average antler weight therefore also reflects the diversity of plants, climate, predator sizes, and food availability across the Americas. Created by Shomari Presswood

Global Challenges

Global challenges include events and processes that threaten large populations and many species across multiple continents. Global challenges often transcend national borders and require international cooperation for effective mitigation. Global challenges also increasingly impact global ecology.

Wildfires – predicting risk in a changing world

Wildfires pose a dual-threat to global ecology through habitat destruction and air pollution. Nearly 50% of ecoregions worldwide are characterized as having “very high” or “high” ecological vulnerability to fire (Figure 3), calculated based on post-fire regeneration delay and ecological indicators outlined in Table 1.


Table 1. Conceptual framework and diagram for the ecological vulnerability index proposed by Arrogante-Funes et al. (2022)


Figure 3. Spatial distribution of ecological vulnerability to fire index values calculated by combining the post-fire regeneration delay and ecological indicator values by ecoregion. (Arrogante-Funes et al. 2022)

Wildfires require ignitions, continuous fuels, drought, and appropriate weather conditions. Ignitions increase the probability of a fire starting in the first place. Fuel continuity across the landscape increases the probability that a fire will spread, and drought increases the flammability of available fuels. Strong wind, high temperature, and low humidity contribute to “fire weather”, which collectively increases the probability of ignition, spread, and vegetation flammability. Climate change and increasing human populations drive changes in fuel loads associated with habitat fragmentation and fire exclusion – all of which further affects the main fire drivers.


Figure 4. (a) Climate change and growing human populations increase fire drivers. (b) Prediction of fire size based on the duration of fire weather and availability of continuous fuel. (Kausas & Keeley, 2021)


In 2009, Krawchuck et al. modeled the observed global distribution of fires under current conditions (Figure 5). Then they predicted areas where fire would invade or retreat by 2039, if greenhouse gas emissions are emitted at mid-to-high levels (similar to climate models, but applied to estimate risk of wildfire). Keep in mind that fire invasion is caused by increased drought, ignitions, and fuel continuity (discussed in Figure 4, above). This means that fire is predicted to retreat in all the blue areas on Figure 6 (below) because habitat destruction and biodiversity loss will reduce the amount of available fuels.


Figure 5. Mean of normalized relative probability of fire for ten models of fire-prone parts of the world under current conditions. Originally published as Figure 1 in (Krawchuck et al., 2009).


Figure 6. Potential invasion and retreat of fire. The invasion (orange) and retreat (blue) of fire projected by 2010–2039 under the mid-high emissions scenario. Invasion was constrained to places with existing vegetation (i.e., available fuel). Originally published as Figure 3 in (Krawchuck et al., 2009).


In 2022, Harrison et al. predicted that tropical savanna and tropical deciduous broadleaf forest and woodland would be most affected by wildfires (Figure 7). Remember that trees and other vegetation contribute to Net Primary Productivity, meaning that wildfires will drive negative bottom-up control, with subsequent trophic cascades up the food webs in these habitats. In addition to decreasing energy resources (i.e., NPP), wildfires also reduce vertical structure (e.g., niche complexity), further reducing biodiversity.


Figure 7. Changes in tree abundance as a result of fire. This map shows the absolute change in simulated tree cover as a result of fire for an ensemble of four global vegetation-fire models. Originally published as Figure 2 in (Harrison et al., 2021).


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