Key Terms
- anti periplanar
- benzylic
- bimolecular
- deuterium isotope effect
- E1 reaction
- E1cB reaction
- E2 reaction
- first-order reaction
- ion pair
- kinetics
- leaving group
- nucleophilic substitution reaction
- periplanar
- rate-determining step
- rate-limiting step
- second-order reaction
- SN1 reaction
- SN2 reaction
- solvation
- syn periplanar
- tosylate
- unimolecular
- Zaitsev’s rule
Summary of Reactions 11 • Summary of Reactions 11 • Summary of Reactions
- Nucleophilic substitutions
- SN1 reaction of 3°, allylic, and benzylic halides (Section 11.4 and Section 11.5)
- SN2 reaction of 1° and simple 2° halides (Section 11.2 and Section 11.3)
- Eliminations
- E1 reaction (Section 11.10)
- E1cB reaction (Section 11.10)
- E2 reaction (Section 11.8)